The idea was to fit these machines with the Tyan m3289 server management card, an IPMI card allowing remotely powercycling of the machines and offering a serial console via the network. Some years back we bought quite some Tyan S5112 machines for. Maybe this gives other people some insight into valuable problem solving skills. NB: Instead of just giving a command by command description of what I did, I'll try explaining a bit more about the background and the process of fixing the problem at hand. This guide should serve as a good primer on reflashing your broken nic but probably needs to be adapted for your own use case. I had a similar problem in the past and as a favour for some friends of mine, I've written down a small description to restoring the ethernet firmware in these cards. As usual, lwn.net has a nice writeup of the issue including some background information. Mode, where isolation is lost between VMs.As most readers of this blog are probably aware, pre-releases of the Linux Kernel 2.6.27 are able to trash the NVRAM/EEPROM of certain Intel Network cards. Security hole which is why VLAN filtering was not disabled in SRIOV

> Thanks Hiroshi, I will add your patch to my queue. > drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/ixgbe_sriov.c | 4 ++++ > The behavior is changed only if VLAN filtering is turned off by > With this patch, if the user turns VLAN filtering off on the host, > and it's not enough at all for building a virtual router.

> In the current implementation, VLAN filtering always be turned on It means that that network function will be an end point That network function may be a software switch, a > For example, we need to make a network function with VF in

> In SR-IOV case, there is a use case which needs to disable VLAN > Disable hardware VLAN filtering if netdev->features VLAN flag is > On Thu, at 08:28 +0000, Hiroshi Shimamoto wrote: On Wed, at 00:51 +0000, Hiroshi Shimamoto wrote: